Monday 18 June 2007

18JUN07 @ 22:54, Mon.

Do liberals in this country ever stop and think? Today's media outlets never cease in their reminding us of the daily death toll of US troops - especially those who die in the service of our country over in the Middle East. Liberals would have us believe that these deaths are unprecedented and Republicans are the cause. Nevermind the fact that nearly all of these deaths are due to non-US personnel. And minus domestic people like Messrs. McVeigh, Unabomber, etc., and the IRA, liberals just can't face the fact that most of the terrorists in the world are non-US. Yet, these liberals would have us believe that it is politically incorrect and even unconstitutional to racially profile those who would intend on harming this country. So when our soldiers die in the service of their country, in an attempt to prevent further domestic attacks, and people of Middle-Eastern origin from infiltrating this country, or attempting to attack US interests, who would liberals have us attempt to prevent from harming us?

Speaking of our daily reminders of dying US soldiers - interesting that the media nearly never shows pictures and stories of the lives US troops positively impact. The liberals' mantra of WMD, etc., ring in our ears; yet, where are the liberals in congratulating our troops for discovering the numerous torture, rape, etc. rooms that Saddam Hussein dotted across his country? 

I guess, according to liberals, torture and rape are ok.

...Ooops - sorry. Forgot to say that torture is only ok for terrorists. Liberals routinely attack our troops for their use of certain interrogation tactics. Yet it's ok for terrorists, who, additionally, televise the execution of Westerners. 

Remember, folks - the religion of "peace."

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